Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Met some legend like people on bhp

Hi Guys,
Work has kept me off, but now I am back, with lots of interesting info.
I met Mr. Kumar (hvkumar) on bhp-forum and he has probably travelled more than anyone in India by road. Here are some of his experiences:
I have done Bombay-Delhi several times and mos of the routes that you will do during your proposed trip, .... The all-GQ trip is being planned. I also have GPS points of many trips.
Always carry my laptop with interne connecivity on all my trips, but do all my logging offline -e netered only after the trip. Also do all advnace rip planning and log trips using my hand-held GPS (no mobile).
Don't tinker around with laptops, concentrate on the driving, my companions' job o do the logging, do it myself if I am alone.

He has been kind enough to send me some of his logs. They have unblieveable amount of info in them. The logs have info about exact kms on the routes. Even how much one could spend in the trip. Its unbelievable that I have not been able to analyze them, but will do soon and share here with his permission.


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